Cross Power Agape Ministry

Achievements so far..


Thanks to God and to all our friends and partners. Through generous contributions, we have grown to what you can see below.


We have water!

What a blessing to have a well providing sufficient water for the ministry and the community around us.


Cross Power Agape Infrastructure Taking Shape..

CrossPower Agape Academy, CrossPower Agape Children’s Home and the dinning already in place


Cross Power Academy is now open and had its first enrollment of students at the beginning of 2023.


Our dining facility is all set!


We now have a dedicated kitchen and dining facility for the kids and we couldn’t be happier to have this amazing space for them. Thank you to all who have prayed for and supported us in making this a reality.


Children’s Bedrooms & Matron housing

The hallway inside the children’s home



Drip Irrigation at its finest!

We’ve managed to plant and harvest onions, cabbages, green peppers, kale and spinach using the drip irrigation system. This has dramatically offset the cost of living expenses as it pertains to food and we are thankful to have this system in place as it has greatly assisted Cross Power in being self sustaining.


Chain-Link Perimeter Fencing

Having a chain link fence has helped secure the property grounds in more ways than one. It has assisted in preventing stray animals from roaming into the property, strangers from accessing the property unannounced, and keeping off animal predators such as rabbits and dogs who pose a direct threat to the wellbeing of the livestock and crops on site.


We’re blessed to bless. Let’s Give Together.
