Amazing Kids

It's Sunday, Feb 16 at 5.30 pm in Kenya. I have been resting after a long day in church and as I sat on my couch, like always, I begun thinking about CrossPower Agape kids. Then I thought to myself, I think you. would enjoy reading some stories about these kids.

So I have decided to let you have a glimpse into each of these kids past. This month, I will share about Wanjohi and I will ask you to do us one favor as well. Please consider taking some time this month and praying for him. You will read about his main need at the tail-end of this blog.


Wanjohi came to us two years ago at age 6. He hadn't started school as yet and was as timid as a mouse. He didn't talk much except he would nod his head a few times. He would look at you with an innocent yet very frightened face that suggested he was not ready to speak. No smile at all. Only a very gloomy face that spoke a lot. He didn't eat well and had to be pushed to do so. His memory was worrying as well. He couldn't say his name, where he came from, his siblings' or guardian's names. You asked him about his age and he went blank. I was worried about him. I sought to know from his guardian why Wanjohi was in that condition. I learned that the poor boy after losing his parents was taken up by his uncle who became so mean to him. He beat and threatened the kid many times. He subjected the boy to child labor and didn't feed him well. This poor boy developed a phobia for people especially men.

You could tell, he was dead scared of people. He preferred being alone and was not friendly at all, even to his fellow kids at our home. If you spoke to him, he would first tremble and his lips acted like they had been frozen. My heart went out to this poor kid, I could not hold back tears.

That was Wanjohi when he came to us and until a year later. Today, he is a very jovial kid, plays with the rest, eats well, knows his names and those of his siblings, goes to school, and is very friendly. Hallelujah!!!!


We praise God for the changes and transformation we have witnessed in Wanjohi. This could not have been possible without the prayers, support and encouragements of people like you. And for that reason, we are forever grateful.

His needs: Wanjohi is still struggling with taking care of things in his possession like books, sweaters, pens and pencils. He is also not doing well at all in school. Please pray for him. Thanks and blessings for taking your time to read this.

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Stephen Muhota