Amazing Kid

This month, I have the pleasure of introducing you to yet another of our amazing kids at the CPAM Agape home. Here at CPAM, we call her Shiro, but she is Wanjiru.

Wanjiru, 5 years, came to us at age 3 and was quite a piece of work. If you want a talker, she is the girl. If you want a kid who prides in every minute progress she makes, Shiro is. The moment she knew how to say the alphabet, she kept pestering the matron wanting to know when I would visit them so she could say it out. I arrived at the home the other day and Shiro couldn’t wait for me to step out of the car. She was right there with “Guka, for grandpa, I stopped wetting my bed!” That is Shiro.

This beauty beams with an infectious smile whenever you meet her. To her, the home is heaven on earth. Wait until you hear her pray. Three quarters of her prayer is “thank you Jesus for bringing me here and for Guka (grandpa) and Shosh (grandma). We are truly blessed to have Shiro with us.

Shiro’s needs: Shiro is healthy and very vibrant. She is, however, not a lover of books. Shiro is born of a single mother who is mentally challenged. She would like to visit her mom often, but the mother’s mental condition does not allow for us to expose her to her mother often.

Please pray for Shiro and blessings for all that you do. This is why we have such stories—stories of hope and opportunity to become what God created these kids to become.

Stephen Muhota