Amazing Kid

Our October kid that we wish to introduce you to is none other but Vudi. Vudi is the oldest of the kids at the CPAM home. He also doubles as the most responsible and prefect or the overseer of other kids. Vudi came to us at age 7 from from Mwingi, one of the very remote and impoverished parts in the Eastern part of Kenya. He is now 13. His parents are deceased and was living with his grandparents before we got him.

Vudi is a runner and does pole vault and high jump. He is also very tidy and organized. He has come up very well spiritually and he’s got quite some good grasp of the Bible stories and prays pretty well.

HIs Needs: Vudi does not do so well at school, but he would like to learn a trade, preferably auto mechanics. He’s one of the reasons we are believing God for a fully equipped auto and welding training shop. The boys would love this and I am passionate about teaching them.

Overseer Vudi

Overseer Vudi

Stephen Muhota